HealthMail Application

HealthMail Application

HealthMail is an App that gathers all clinical data like DICOM, Documents and emails in one place. Has an outstanding and easy to use management quality interaction and state-of-the-art information system for the healthcare providers. Continue reading HealthMail Application

ICON SaaS Integration

ICON SaaS Integration

The ICON SaaS Integration Service by Grafimedia includes, not only a full analysis and recording of the existing situation, but also suggestions of changes that must be applied to the subsystems so that the workflow can become as efficient as possible. Continue reading ICON SaaS Integration

Internet of Things on Healthcare

Internet of Things IoT on Healthcare by Grafimedia SaaS Health IT Experts

Impact of Internet of Things IoT A connected healthcare ecosystem will make it easy for patients to access and track their health information and allow for seamless communication with their providers. IoT will play a significant role in enabling doctors, Continue reading Internet of Things on Healthcare

ICON EMR SaaS Monthly Plans

ICON EMR SaaS Monthly Plans

Choose the ideal ICON SaaS subscription plan according to your professional needs and ensure that printing costs will radically reduce. Continue reading ICON EMR SaaS Monthly Plans

SaaS Infographic

SaaS Infographic

SaaS in a nutshell SaaS Grafimedia Infographic: Software as a service (SaaS) is a digital distribution web-based model in which applications are available to clients over the Internet. At the Software as a service (SaaS) model of operation the user Continue reading SaaS Infographic

10 reasons why SaaS is good for business

Software as a Service - SaaS by

Software as a Service SaaS is a digital distribution web-based model in which a vendor develop and host applications and are available over the Internet. Continue reading 10 reasons why SaaS is good for business