ICON SaaS Integration

ICON SaaS Integration

The ICON SaaS Integration Service by Grafimedia includes, not only a full analysis and recording of the existing situation, but also suggestions of changes that must be applied to the subsystems so that the workflow can become as efficient as possible. Continue reading ICON SaaS Integration

Internet of Things IoT in Law Practice

Internet of Things IoT in Law Practice by Grafimedia

IoT Law Practice How does IoT affect Law Practice? Law firms are already being asked to handle the information generated by IoT devices. Many law firms have add their own IoT-focused teams to cope with the tech data challenges of Continue reading Internet of Things IoT in Law Practice

SaaS Infographic

SaaS Infographic

SaaS in a nutshell SaaS Grafimedia Infographic: Software as a service (SaaS) is a digital distribution web-based model in which applications are available to clients over the Internet. At the Software as a service (SaaS) model of operation the user Continue reading SaaS Infographic

10 reasons why SaaS is good for business

Software as a Service - SaaS by Grafimedia.eu

Software as a Service SaaS is a digital distribution web-based model in which a vendor develop and host applications and are available over the Internet. Continue reading 10 reasons why SaaS is good for business

Modality Worklist

Modality Worklist

Modality Worklist DICOM Modality Worklist makes patient demographic information from a Radiology Information System (RIS) available at a modality, eliminating dual data entry and providing data integrity. The advantage of this service is that retyping patient demographic and scheduling information Continue reading Modality Worklist


ORM messages are most commonly used to send Radiology Orders and Lab Orders and are following the standard HL7 message structure

Order Entry Message (ORM) The Order Entry (ORM) message is one of the most commonly used HL7 message type. ORM messages contain information about an order. This contains actions like: placing new orders, canceling existing orders, discontinuation, holding, etc. Orders are Continue reading ORM

Grafimedia Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

Grafimedia Doctors FAQ

Grafimedia FAQ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) are listed questions and answers, that are commonly asked in Healt IT context, focus to particular topics of Healthcare Industry.    How can I communicate with the Sales Department? You can communicate directly with Continue reading Grafimedia Frequently Asked Questions FAQ


Telehealth refers to the use of digital medical information and communication technologies, such as computers and mobile devices, to manage health issues

Telehealth Telehealth involves the distribution of health-related services and information. Distribution is via electronic information and telecommunication technologies. It allows long distance patient/clinician contact and care, advice, reminders, education, intervention, monitoring and remote admissions. As well as provider distance-learning; meetings, supervision, and Continue reading Telehealth