Prevention Self Test for HPV is Coming to Greece

Prevention Can Save Lives

Great news was announced regarding HPV prevention. A new startup in Canada had introduced HPV self-test and fortunately, this pioneering idea is coming to Greece. is giving access to all women to order this magical and easy-to-use kit test.

Evekit HPV self-testing is coming to Greece, aiming to support doctors in their effort to expand the cervical cancer prevention available options.

George Spyrakis was going through a personal loss when he decided to introduce a pro-active solution in saving women from HPV. He is introducing the market to a kit that will help women test themselves in the privacy of their own home against HPV. Prevention Self Test for HPV is Coming to Greece

The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a very common virus. It is estimated that 75%-80% of sexually active adults will have an HPV infection at some point in their lives. There are over 100 strains (variations) of HPV. About 40 of these strains can affect the genital area, and about 14 strains can potentially lead to different cancers. Strains that can lead to cancer are called “high risk” strains of HPV. The other strains that affect the genital region, but do not cause cancer are called “low-risk” strains of HPV. High-risk HPV strain types 16 and 18 cause 70% of cervical cancers, and low-risk HPV strains 6 and 11 cause 90% of genital warts. Eve Kit collects a sample to be tested for all high-risk strains of HPV.*

George Spyrakis is working together with his team to create awareness, as the percentage of women who get infected is extremely high in comparison to the percentage of women who dare to get tested, which is extremely low. Because awareness is the most important cure of all… and that is what is focused on!

Grafimedia is feeling proud of having the opportunity to provide business and marketing mentoring to this new approach of HPV prevention in Greece. Grafimedia supports new projects and startups that promote wellness and quality of life. Saving lives is always a great cause to support.

For further information visit their website

Prevention Self Test for HPV is Coming to Greece

  • *Please note that information in this section is intended as educational information only. Please see the source for links to additional information, and sources of medical advice.

About Areti Vassou

Digital Strategy Director. Make Ideas Happen @ Digital Media, Research, Social Media Strategy, Web Design, Digital Copywriting & Digital Graphic Design.