icon Integration
It is a fact that many issues are occured into integration inside information systems which are installed in health care facilities, because are from a variety of manufacturers. It is common issue to face some difficulties in connecting to one another and they only assist the workflow fragmentarily.This fragmentation exists due to historical reasons. The various subsystems (such as HIS, RIS, LIS, PACS,EMR ) are independetly developed to cover specific needs, without taking into account that the medical information must be available anytime needed.
A huge progress has been made these recent years, mainly due to the application of some protocols such as HL7 and DICOM3. Thus all these different subsystems can “talk” to each other and exchange data.
The icon grafimedia integration service includes, not only a full analysis and recording of the existing situation, but also suggestions of changes that must be applied to the subsystems so that the workflow can become as efficient as possible.
Grafimedia having completed a large ammount of such accomplisments, is able to make a suggestion, no matter how complex each case might be.
Find more about Icon Grafimedia, Icon Print Video, Icon EMR, Icon DICOM, Icon DICOM Print,Icon DICOM Record, Icon Pacs, Icon & Bytes HIS